09 October, 2011

Elegy of Somalia

The world we live in is, it should be is a beautiful place for all the sons of men. Each hemisphere is supposed to be a comfortable place for every man to weave the future of life. Laughter is loose in an area of ​​the earth, should be able to drive the smile that broke in other areas. Every joy that crosses in each corner of the world will be bliss for generating energy corner of the world. But now, when the majority of Muslims around the world to learn about hunger in the month of Ramadan, the population of Somalia has reached the end of hunger. Most of them have to withstand the pain of hunger that stab stomach limit their patience. Some had been dying to pick up his end. From day to day, constantly writhing body row that can not help scour hungry. Somalia, a country in the horn of Africa, already 20 years as a country that seemed self-governing. The country is hit by prolonged conflict. Civil war involving the militia of each region and ethnic-based groups no ending. Drought and the failure to create a food resource also continued to haunt. Coupled with the inability to develop trade and economic management, all resulting in Somalia became a failed state. Ultimately impact the suffering people of Somalia are endless. UN calls Somalia as a country that was ranked first in the world in terms of malnutrition. Currently estimated at more than 80% of children in Somalia are malnourished and 30% of whom suffer from acute malnutrition. World Food Programme (WFP) launch news that says that more than 3.7 million Somalis need food assistance. From a number of these, 800 thousand of whom are children. During drought and famine that peppered this conflict, tens of thousands of Somalis have died. To save themselves, Every week an average of 5000 Somalis are willing to walk for days in the hot sun to the refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. To date, more than 175,000 Somalis have become refugees, in general they live in the border region of Kenya and Ethiopia. Somalis are not only faced with famine. Currently they are also threatened his life, because the Somali militia to hunt them in order to get the treasure. Somali militia in uniform and armed with rifles and pistols, it should keep residents who suffer from hunger. But in reality, they actually hunt down the people who are already suffering from famine. One of the disturbing actions committed by the militia of this happened some time ago. A 13-year-old girl and two sisters were abducted when their families managed to cross into Kenya. Parents third of these refugees were robbed, while three girls were taken hostage by the militia. For two days three siblings underwent forcible rape, before finally freed. Various voluntary organizations that want to provide help for the citizens of Somalia has run into difficulty. Not a few humanitarian organizations that are prohibited entry by the militia forces. The militants were blocking relief brought by human volunteers. There has been also militia kill aid workers. It seems that the suffering people of Somalia who appeared on the world stage, we will still continue to see. Bodies emaciated and pale face full of anguish still will adorn the world media screen. The birds that flew and perched vows in a former human bone beluang will still die of hunger terperagakan in the face of the earth's population, as long as we just stay quiet and sit on my hands. Song of death from Somalia may still be the entertainment for the citizens of the world that no longer cares. No one deserves done by us, except go and help them. As difficult as any we are feeling, we may still be set aside part of caring for them. While we continue to help overcome the difficulties of the nation, let a speck of human solidarity be a helper for them.

06 April, 2011

Street Musician, Band Players and Celebrity

When we look at the behavior of the zakat fund manager or social institutions, particularly in relation to relate to society, then we can classify his style on three types of behavior. All three of these styles can be seen also as the three classifications. The third force is the tendency of behavior often displayed by the managers of zakat, or charity fund. The third of these styles can be named as the style of street musician, band players and celebrity.

Street musician style shown by the behavior of the managers of humanitarian agencies who have a habit to make sad people in order to invite sympathy. Generally they are doing is telling the suffering of the poor are vulgar. Very often they exploit the difficulties of the poors. Sometimes it does is create or display the poems lament or sorrow songs. Not a few are up to show the children from poor families to tell the anguish of his life in front of crowds. The goal is that people who hear the part soluble in sadness and finally willing to spend money donations.

The next style is the style that is sometimes displayed the band. This style refers to the behavior of the managers of charity or social institution that tries to present an interesting program packaging, quality and harmony of good management. This band of players try to show the performance management of charity and social activities as a substance to achieve the goal of helping the poor. To invite the money and sympathy, the band is not the main provisions of poetry and songs of sorrow, but the value of the benefits and impact of programs to improve the fate of the poor. In a higher stage, surely the quality of players we could call this band as an orchestra player, because of his skill in concocting the substance of value in a dynamic program.

The third style that is often displayed by the fund manager charity or humanitarian institutions is celebrity style. This style refers to the behavior of the managers of charity and social institutions are more interested in popularity in carrying out its activities. This group made the publicity and popularity as a destination from a variety of activities done. This style is supported by a variety of activities which involve more journalists and promotion in various media. It does not matter whether the activity benefits the poor people or bring in donations, the important names of institutions and personnel of the more widely known by the public.

Of course, a legitimate charity or if the manager displays the behavior of social institutions as mentioned above. All behavior that is part of an effort every manager charity and social institutions to achieve their stated objectives. In addition to its objective factors, behavioral styles also emerged due to the knowledge, experience and skills possessed personnel involved in managing the charity and social institutions. The more qualified managers charity and social institutions, will be more quality display of force behavior.

Some managers charity and social institutions may also have noticed that the aspects of the substance of the benefits of the program, the ability to bring sympathy and donations and the impact of popularity is the third thing that can not be separated. They make all aspects of it as a defining element of they directing the organization or impelemnting the program. These aspects has been a decisive element of success of activities and ran well organizations wheel. But whatever the behavior of zakat or charity institution, the community will continue to appreciate the style of behavior displayed. Apreciation from community can emerge in the form of positive or negative appreciation. The impact of zakat or charity institution will be loved or shunned society. Now it's up to the institution of zakat, or charity, the style of what behaviors will be displayed?

03 April, 2011

Amil Zakat Salary

Many people are now involved in zakat work as amil. It is estimated that more than 10,000 people in Indonesia have become amil zakat. There are a amil for ideological reasons, namely to fight for the fate that together serve the people. There are to be amil professional reasons, namely that the party concerned has the knowledge, skills and experience in managing zakat. There is also a pragmatic reason, namely that it is currently able to accommodate the work him is work as amil.

Judging from the time spent on each amil for zakat, then we can divide into: 1) Full-time Amil 2) Amil Part Time, and 3) Amil meantime. Full Time Amil is Amil involved managing the zakat in an average of eight hours a day, five days a week and continued to work throughout the year. Amil Full-time job as amil relative making a major job. Part Time Amil is Amil who do the work of managing the zakat in the number of working hours or job sharing with other professions. Generally, the average working hours are used by Part Time Amil to manage Zakat is less than four hours a day. The amil meantime while the people involved to manage zakat in a very short time, for example, in a Ramadan committees whose time is only three days a year (before the Idul Fitr).

In terms of occupation or profession as amil, many people have a salary or wages regularly. Salary is of course given to Amil Full Time or at least the Amil Part Time. While Amil While, generally do not receive salary or wages. Salaries can be derived from the provision of the right amil (mustahik) obtained from the accumulation of zakat funds collected by organizations that manage zakat. It could also come from other funds (non zakat) which is owned by the parent organization for managing the zakat.

Giving salary to amil given in order to provide fringe benefits for the deployment of labor, time, thought and competence in order to take care of one's zakat. Provision of fringe benefits also aims to foster the spirit of work, sincerity and hard work in carrying out duties as amil. Providing salary amil zakat manager is expected to create serious and fully concentrate on serving the community and develop the charity with the best.

In connection with amil salary scale, ever at a national media published a statement of a bureaucrat associated with zakat, said that there is leadership of Zakat Management Organization, whose salary is Rp 45 million per month. This statement is of course not true, because until now there has been no salary zakat organization leaders who arrive at that number. Though actually, as a possibility, may be one day a head of Zakat organization-paying IDR 45 million or more if the achievement of zakat collection is very large (in accordance with the guidelines fiqh zakat).

Provision of adequate salaries to the amil zakat, actually at this time we need. Besides in order to appreciate the hard work, performance and dedication in taking care zakat that has been achieved, as well as to foster a sense of pride and awaken a sense of excitement to the job as amil zakat. Taking Care of zakat should not create the impression of inadequate or no confidence among some communities because of the work as contemptible or amil zakat is considered low. To wake the glories of zakat we need people who are proud and passionate in managing zakat.

Another reason we need to provide adequate salaries amil zakat is in order to ensure that every Zakat organization still filled by people qualified and competent. Each Zakat organization should be managed by people smart, visionary, skilled, integrity, hardworking and proud of his work to the public. With adequate remuneration would be possible for Zakat organization to recruit the best people and treat him to continue working full devotion in the service and development zakat.

When Zakat organization was not able to provide an adequate salary, then at some point the best people, who have sufficient competence and experience will one by one left the Zakat organization and find a place to move or work in other places that provide better remuneration. Most of the others, may be out of Zakat organization and change course to become entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, another part will work as amil by moonlight for another job in order to cover their needs are not fulfilled from his income as amil. The impact ultimately will lower the concentration, commitment, loyalty and fighting in managing and developing the zakat.

Because it's been so many people involved as amil, then our attention would salary amil this problem we need to improve. We need to give recognition and adequate remuneration, while still maintaining the glory and dignity as amil. Of course all the attention and the arrangement we have to remain assembled within a frame guide fiqh of zakat and a commitment to maintain the mandate to serve the community with the best.

07 February, 2011

Zakat Management Standards

The national standard of zakat management important soon realized and implemented by the management organization of zakat (OPZ). Therefore, the management of zakat must be professional, transparent and accountable.

The assertion was made Chairman of the Forum Zakat (Foz), Ahmad Juwaini at the seminar 'How to Measure Quality of zakat Organization and launching Indonesia zakat Management Standards', in Jakarta, Tuesday (2 / 2).

"Taking Care of zakat should not be like before, now have to seriously like taking care of the company,''he said.

So far, said Juwaini, each zakat institutions already have a standard reference management respectively. Among these are ISO certified. So far, there were four institutions have obtained ISO.

Still, said Juwaini, the differentiate standard is quite difficult for zakat organization, especially to measure and compare the performance of the existing inter-Zakat organization.
This is because each zakat organization has a reference standardization.

Later, said Juwaini, the existence of national standardization in the management of zakat at least contain two important elements, namely planning and results. Namely, the extent of Zakat organization can make good planning and be able to carry them out with good results also, that is able to serve the muzaki (zakat payer) and mustahiq (zakat receiver) well.
"It should be a tool for comparison quite balanced," he said.

After the standard management of the national zakat formed, said Juwaini, next target is certification. Ideally the certificate was awarded by an independent team so as to give assurance of quality and credibility of Zakat organization concerned. It's just the first stage must be done is socialization and dissemination. With so expected, each Zakat organization begin to implement these standards.

The same thing is said Vice Chairman of the Board Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas), Naharus Surur. He said one of the fundamental efforts in order to realize the certification of Zakat oganization is a national standard that is used as a guide for Zakat organization. These standards have two important elements. First, standards of governance and management organization, such as administration and finance. While the second, the standard under the laws of fiqh of zakat. (Republika Daily Newspaper, Friday, February 4, 2011 at 09:39:00, Nashih Nashrullah, ed: wachidah handasah)