"The urge to give also makes me believe that almost everyone-regardless of income, whatever dipunyainya time, regardless of age, and whatever skills he has, can do something useful for others so that strengthen the fabric of humanity that we have in common. "
(Bill Clinton)
Nearly 200 people representing various donor agencies, institutions, grant makers, philanthropic organization organizers, associations or philanthropic associations, as well as assessment centers and development of philanthropy than 56 countries around the world gathered in WINGS Forum 2010. Conference activities that took place from 18-20 November 2010 is taking place at the Grand Hotel in Como, located in the beautiful Como lake and surrounded by snowy mountains of Italy that already. Como is a city which is about 30 km from Milan, Italy.
WINGS (Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support), is a philanthropic organization cooperative association which was founded ten years ago. Originally WINGS secretariat moved from Asia, Europe, America and at this point will tend to be permanently located in Brazil. WINGS Forum is meeting in order to discuss the agenda or issues of philanthropy and grant making world level. The theme was taken on WINGS and Innovation Forum 2010 is the Impact: The Role of Grantmaker Associations in Changing Society.
The topics discussed in the forum is: how to make change through innovation and impact, efforts to create a regulatory and support for the development of philanthropy, the need to develop the study of philanthropy, the role of leadership and collaboration in the development of philanthropy and how to achieve good governance for the development of philanthropy. As for which act as a speaker, among others: Peggy Dulani (Chair of The Synergos Intitute, USA), Paula D. Johnson (Vice President of The Philanthropic Initiative, Inc.. USA), Barry Knight (Executive Director, Center for Research and Innovation in Social Policy and Practice, UK), Stefania Mancini (Vice President Assifero, Italy), Adam Smith (CEO of the Foundation for Young Australians ), Bradford K. Smith (The Foundation Center, USA) and Stefano Zamagni (President Italian Charity Commission).
Philanthropy is the awareness to give in order to overcome difficulties and improve the quality of community life. Philanthropy can come from spiritual awareness, can also arise due to the call of humanity and of course very likely be present because someone wants meaning in life and participate in creating a better life.
Philanthropic resources come from individual donations, donations from companies in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and now is also very decisive factor is of the great philanthropists like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and many more the millionaires of the world. The great philanthropist not only act as donors, but some others also established their own foundations such as the Gates Foundation, which plays a grantmaker to fund various humanitarian programs undertaken by many organizations implementing humanitarian aid.
In its development, philanthropy movement has become part of the strength of the third sector, namely the public sector whose role is to continue to strengthen the position of civil society (civil society) in between two other forces, namely the power of government and private. Philanthropy movement is also part of efforts to create a balanced life between the rich and poor, between men and women and between parents and young people.
The development of philanthropy will increase significantly when all the perpetrators are driven to always be innovative in the delivery of new works, Always intrigued to find new ways of development organizations and programs, as well as being able to find new breakthroughs and solving problems in the face of all challenges and obstacles that exist. Innovation is one of spirit that will sustain the development of philanthropy as well make the leap into the future.
Innovation will only flourish in an environment that competetive, open and egalitarian. Innovation will also be developed so fast in the creative and make solution cultural traditions supported by a fast dynamics. Innovation will increasingly encouraged by the number of information and knowledge is disseminated to all stakeholders. Therefore, in order to support the development of philanthropy, the growing presence of a situation that is conducive to innovation in individuals and philanthropic organizations are also indispensable actors
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