Entering the year 2010 was the payment of zakah is increasing worldwide. It is estimated that more than 80% of the Muslims who were categorized muzakki (obligatory Zakat) has regular paid zakat. The Zakat Payers are paid through zakat organizations, as well as directly paid to mustahik in their respective countries.
Based on the calculation of various methodes, particularly with reference to the pattern of calculations performed by Habib Ahmed from IRTI - Islamic Development Bank (IDB), then we can calculate that the year 2010 using estimated proportion of GDP every Muslim country, the estimated potential of zakah in the world a year of not less than USD 600 Billion.
By considering the data on the number of poor people of the world in the year 2007 reaching 830 million people, then the potential zakat world will be able to overcome poverty until 24.1%, with the assumption that every poor person will be able alleviated with greater empowerment of zakat funds of USD 3000 per person .
Will understand the potential significance of zakah in addressing world poverty, then all elements in the management of zakat was held to convene an international conference World Zakah Forum (WZF) 2010. The plan, activities that invite activists worldwide zakat organization was held on 28 September to 2 October 2010 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
World Zakat Forum is a forum for meeting with the manager of zakat organizations in the world in order to discuss various problems of zakat in the world and decide and recommend an action or activity in order to improve the function of zakat in solving various problems in the world.
At this conference forum also not closed the possibility of birth to a forum of cooperation and cross the world in the affairs of the organization who will be able to synergize zakat management worldwide, especially in order to use zakat to overcome poverty.
The theme for World Zakah Forum was To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing the welfare of the Ummah Through International Zakat Network. While participants are invited include, for Zakat Management Organization, Islamic Organizations, universities, national zakat organizations and regional cooperation, research centers and representative zakat management organizations from various countries around the world. The number of participants is estimated as many as 300 participants.
Events World Zakat Forum is also planned to provide a real contribution in formulating the world level zakat management model that is able to have an impact in solving some problems of the world. Various alternatives zakat fund mobilization and management of the world (World Zakat Fund) will be discussed, as well as on inter-state model in order to optimize synergies of zakat funds from surplus countries-due to the poor countries. World Zakat Forum will also endeavor to find the formula in order to optimize resource zakat as an alternative to overcome world poverty.
May the World Zakah Forum activities will provide tangible benefits for the development of zakat in the world and provide solutions to overcome global poverty through the optimal synergy.
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